Guy Choate

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I write to document the things I don't want to forget. And also I don't want people to forget about me.


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Home base

Little Rock, Arkansas


Guy Choate earned an MFA at The University of New Orleans, where he was a finalist for the Samuel Mockbee Award for Nonfiction. He’s published essays in a number of literary journals and performed at readings and storytelling events across the country. Guy joined the Army at the age of 17 and proudly served as a NATO peacekeeper in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2005, he attempted to walk every step from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic, but the trip ended up as an adventure in hitchhiking. In addition to those topics, Guy writes about his family with what has been called “a kind of protectiveness that is both tender and melancholy.” He is a compulsive documentarian. Ranking things—food, concerts, books, life events, movies, TV shows, etc.—gives him a strange and unmatched satisfaction. In 2017, Guy founded the Argenta Reading Series to enhance the literary community in Central Arkansas, where he lives with his wife, Liz, and their sons, Gus and Magnus.

Upcoming Events


Recent Essays


Click Link at the Top of the Page for More Essays.

“I Know, But This is Nice

Mud Season Review

“Veterans Day Special”

Collateral Journal

“The Day We Buried My Father”

"Dear Sears"


"Servant of Freedom"

war, literature, & the arts

“On Reading to Your Dying Father”

The Louisville Review

American Walkabout




Get Out of This Place.

Like his writing, Guy’s photo-a-day blog, which dates back more than a decade, offers a candid glimpse into a life that drifts with time from—among other things—road trips and graduate school to restaurant and cubicle work, but throughout it all is a love of family.

Get Out of This Place


I Cleaned This Plate.

A product of Guy’s obsession with ranking things, this blog documents and ranks by month and year every meal he enjoys—or doesn't—from restaurants, food trucks, and fast food franchises. This is food reviewing in its simplest form.

I Cleaned This Plate